Goa Culture Vol. 9 Soundcloud

Goa Culture Vol. 9 Soundcloud

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With the diversity of our music, a record label should be open to every genre.

In the last decades I have always tried to keep this in mind,

Even if not everything corresponds to my musical taste, it is more important that Y.S.E. tries to present the whole complex of our music. Because this is not about my own musical ego but about our whole musical history.

That’s why I chose the label DJs for Y.S.E with a lot of consideration.

Each of these musicians has a different perspective on our music, which is then reflected in the musical diversity of our compilation

When I heard Magnifico for the first time at an event, he immediately fascinated me.His choice of music and his view on it was really so extraordinary that I decided to take him on as a label DJ at Y.S.E. and entrust him with the compilation of the Goa Culture compilation.

So just listen to his mix from the last Goa Culture compilation,

because even though it doesn’t have my music style and beat, it took me from the beginning to the end.

Have fun

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