Goaburtstag 2.0

Goaburtstag 2.0

Dear people, the Goa birthday children Fabi, Matthias and Flo invite you to the Kultkaff again.
We start the evening with techno at 10 p.m. and from midnight at the latest there will be a celebratory sound in the form of psychedelic sounds that are underlaid with fat basses!

Fabi even celebrates his 30th Goa birthday that evening.

And unfortunately Victor will soon be leaving us for too long because he wants to leave for Australia. He also invites you to this glorious evening to celebrate his farewell! 😢

As a Goa birthday present, we wish you a good mood and lots of love ❤️.

All night long you will find on the plates:
Fabster (Enter the Tribe)
Florian – Psyajin (Enter the Tribe)
Magnifico (Y.S.E. Yellow Sunshine Explosion)
Felix (Techno)

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